Thursday, April 26, 2012

DIY ice truck killer victim’s nails

I would like to pay homage to Dexter and his brother Brian Moser / Rudy Cooper / The Ice Truck Killer. Brian is badass; as a child he witnesses the brutal amputation of his mother. He then develops this bat-shit-crazyfetish for amputees, bangs his half-sister and goes on a legendary killing spree in Dexter’s territory. At the end of the most recent episode, Brian shows up in Dexters warped reality; it seems as though Brian will be taking the place of Dexter’s father as the dark-passenger-shepherd.

anyway, meet Brian.
Meet Brian’s handy work.
Here is everything you will need to achieve the Ice Truck Killer victim’s nails. I traded out the hacksaw for glitter. Put two coats of color, one coat of clear (then sprinkle glitter on top) then one more coat of clear.
I cant help being so awesome
toes too!
I skipped class to paint my nails ala Dexter, hula hoop in my living room and eat pasta in my underwear. i dont even care if it’s real. – even cowgirls get the blues.

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